Delivering true stakeholder value.


At the heart of our approach is a recognition that to drive Purpose-led transformation, organisations must move from the traditional, backwards looking reporting of financial data only (mono-capital), to a forward-looking and connected view across multiple capitals.

Based on the principles of Integrated Thinking & Reporting, these capitals would typically include Financial, Manufactured, Intellectual, Human, Social & Relationship, and Natural. However, these may vary according to industry or organisational structure, and so we work with our clients to determine which capitals are most appropriate for them to focus on.

From strategy setting to establishing multi-capital targets, we work with functions across the organisation to drive multi-capital performance, going beyond shareholder value to deliver true stakeholder value.

Our Apprach

We take an end-to-end, holistic approach to this Purpose-led value creation - unifying strategy and execution to operationalise Purpose, enable ongoing measurement and management, and drive virtuous performance loops.

Our team brings deep digital and innovation expertise, and we believe firmly in leveraging technology to help address a number of the challenges that are typically faced in implementing Purpose-led projects. Through our own team and through our partner network, we can also offer a suite of digital tools, accelerators and enablers to support at every stage of the journey.

Our work with clients spans the pillars of ESG & E (Environmental, Social, Governance & Economic Impact), including alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Integrated Thinking & Reporting can be used in conjunction with other reporting frameworks and methodologies (including SASB, GRI and TCFD) to provide a strategic and forward-looking approach to ensuring delivery of both profit and Purpose.

Need help gaining the competitive edge through purpose? Get in touch to to realise your potential.